The 7 guiding principles of the environmental policy
The environmental policy of Thorey Gera Textilveredelung GmbH is laid down in seven guiding principles. These principles apply to all employees of our company. By observing these principles in all our activities, we want to protect our environment and prevent the occurrence of harmful environmental effects. The core of our efforts is to achieve continuous improvement in ecology and economy and thus to contribute to securing the long-term future of our company in Gera.
1. Environmental protection - part of our corporate responsibility
Thorey Gera Textilveredelung GmbH is committed to active environmental protection, which foresightedly incorporates the effects on the environment into all corporate decisions as part of a continuous improvement process.
2. Avoiding or minimizing environmental impact
Our company is part of society and acts within the framework of its standards and laws. It is a matter of course for us to comply with laws and regulations. It is our endeavor to avoid or reduce environmental pollution to a minimum. In doing so, we make use of the best available technology wherever possible, while maintaining economic efficiency. We therefore act strictly according to the principle: avoid - reduce - recycle. Only in this way can the resources of our world be conserved in the best possible way.
3. Thinking ahead before reacting
At Thorey Gera Textilveredelung GmbH, environmental protection begins in the run-up to new developments and in the purchase of new operating materials. This continues continuously in the technical planning and construction of new plants or the modification of existing ones. The aim here is not to eliminate problems at the end of production, but to prevent them from arising in the first place.
4. Environmental protection is a management task and requires the involvement of all employees
All employees are responsible for environmental protection. We expect managers to make environmental protection an essential part of their management duties; they are to encourage and motivate all their employees to act and behave in an environmentally conscious manner, i.e. to instill in them the ability to make self-critical analyses and the will to achieve continuous improvement.
5. To achieve the environmental goals an efficient organizational and operational structure is required
Committed employees and the complex technology in the textile finishing industry also require a good organization with clear responsibilities and processes for environmental protection. A documented environmental management system is an essential prerequisite for this. This environmental management system is constantly reviewed and adapted to changing requirements (external and internal).
6. Proper information policy as well as internal and external cooperation is our goal
We pursue an open information policy towards the public. Dialogue should have a positive influence on the acceptance of our company. Through constructive cooperation with authorities, associations and business partners we want to contribute to the avoidance or reduction of environmental risks, burdens and to the increase of occupational safety.
7. Constant improvement
We never want to rest on our laurels in environmental protection. Our environmental protection is aimed at continuous improvement and is to be constantly developed further due to external and internal requirements. To achieve this goal, we involve all relevant areas in the permanent environmental process.